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Forum-Group is the leading best-practices network for senior executives who direct communications, marketing and public affairs at major corporations and nonprofit organizations across North America.  Members meet privately to discuss pressing PR issues, share lessons learned and engage with guest speakers.  Between meetings, they forward opportunities, solicit referrals and leverage the experience and connections of their peers to respond  more effectively to challenges.


Forum-Group members represent four broad sectors:


·     Global businesses

·     North American companies

·     Financial services firms

·     Nonprofit organizations


Ted Matthews is president and owner of Forum-Group. A former member, he is the third person to lead the association since it was established in 1977. See ABOUT for more information.



How We Operate


Membership is by invitation and is limited to a senior leader of communications, marketing and public affairs in large companies and organizations.


Membership is a modest annual or quarterly fee and is generously discounted for nonprofits. Two membership levels offer flexibility and both options give members the ability to tap a vast network of experienced colleagues for insight and advice 365 days a year. 


For more information, contact 


Membership provides a broad network of top peers who are eager to share their practical knowledge and applied experience with colleagues. By leveraging their peers, members enhance their expertise, gain a competitive edge, deliver greater value to their organizations, and attract the best opportunities.


Matters of policy are decided by the group, which has no officers or committees. All members are equal and are encouraged to share expertise freely and capture as much value as possible from colleagues. Meetings are confidential and all materials, including member lists, are circulated only for the use of members.


In-person meetings are hosted by a member and held in major business cities, with 15-30 typically attending. Virtual video meetings are held at least monthly so members can compare how others are handling a wide range of issues. Members choose meetings that fit their schedules. Debrief reports and speaker files are sent to all members after a meeting. Substitutions at meetings are not permitted.


Between meetings, members stay connected electronically to exchange job leads, solicit input, offer referrals and tap into the membership's veritable brain trust.



“You’ve done a great job adapting the way the group functions in light of COVID. Immensely practical, which I think has been the hallmark of the Forum Group brand vis-à-vis the more lofty and high-minded groups that navel gaze and ponder existential questions.”


Matt Vander Laan, VP, Corporate Affairs, MonoSol, a Kuraray Company

“Want to say thank you for all that you’ve done to keep our members engaged and informed. While I don’t get to participate as often as I’d like, I get tremendous value out of my membership with the Forum Group and really appreciate your leadership.”


Shira Miller, CCO, National DCP

“Appreciate you! And this group! It has been one of the most helpful organizations that I have been part of in the entirety of my career.”


Wendy Watkins, CCO, Pivot Bio


“Forum Group meetings – along with Forum Group email dialogue with my peers – offer candid opportunities to discuss shared opportunities, challenges and issues; share best practices and innovative ideas; and develop valuable relationships that extend beyond the meetings.  The value of my Forum-Group membership provides an exceptional ROI, and I’m proud to be a member.”


Paul Gennaro, CCO, New York Life

“This group is incredibly valuable and helpful, so continued kudos to you on the excellent leadership.”


Anonymous member

“I have participated in the Forum-Group for more than a decade.  Without fail, I leave each meeting with some useful bit of information or an approach that helps me solve a problem somewhere down the road.  The openness and sharing of challenges and information from peers across industries is invaluable.  The networking is also a huge plus. I'm a fan!” 


Linda Recupero, former SVP-Global Comm, Assurant

“It is an amazing thing you are doing with this network -- really full-service and of huge value. Thank you!”


Mary Lynn Carver, former global CCO, Kite Pharma

“As for the value of the Forum-Group, I'd mention these three:

  • The ability to tap the experience of other Forum-Group members – on issues large and small, at any time – is worth the annual cost of membership.

  • The small-group setting for information sharing – whether through guest speakers or interaction with colleagues – is the most effective, appropriate way for senior communicators to learn.

  • Finally, this is a tough business and the value of periodically recharging on an emotional level with like-minded folks shouldn't be underestimated.”


John Boul, head of external relations, Edward Jones, retired

“Getting together in person during the scheduled meetings is great, but it’s the ability to tap into the group during the year about a question or conundrum that’s most beneficial to me... That’s a powerful tool -  the intellectual horsepower of hundreds of your peers responding in a matter of a day or two.  This is the group you dream about – senior-level communicators who are willing to help each other network and problem-solve.” 


Daniel Weidman,



Contact Us

For information about membership or Forum-Group, LLC, please contact:


Ted Matthews

Ph. 803-280-3670

Fx. 803-547-9826


Forum-Group, LLC
201 Fairway Drive
Fort Mill, SC 29715


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